Yamamotoya Honten Misonukomi Udon 山本屋本店の味噌煮込みうどん

Yamamotoya Honten is a Misonikomi Udon person of the establishment of a business for 1,907 years.

山本屋本店 Yamamotoya Honten 
味噌煮込みうどん Misonukomi Udon(Udon with Miso-Based Soup)

From establishment of a business those days, I continue keeping taste by traditional closing a deal technique.

The Misonikomi Udon of rather hard noodles is very delicious in a fragrance of the soup stock of a heavy dried bonito and heavy miso.

A souvenir of the Misonikomi Udon of the Yamamoto-ya head office is sold to Electron Spectroscopy for Chemical Analysis of the Nagoya Station underground shopping center.

There is it with raw udon, frozen udon, Inui noodles, but naturally it is a type not to be able to give birth to to be the nearest to the taste of the shop.

I made a type not to be able to produce in a house, but the whole room is wrapped in a fragrance of the dried bonito when I pour bonito soup stock into the pan and boil it for five minutes.

It is a fragrance of considerably thick bonito soup stock.

I steam it for 2-3 minutes and am completed after boiling raw noodles after having put taste miso.

Rather hard noodles to eat in a shop are reproduced.

I could enjoy taste of the Misonikomi Udon of the Yamamoto-ya head office in the house and was delicious.

When you came to Nagoya-shi, Aichi to play, please eat Misonikomi Udon.

An official site of the Yamamoto-ya is this place

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