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Jagaimo no Nimono じゃがいもの煮物

The food boiled and seasoned of the basic potato of the home-cooked meal.

Because I can eat a potato throughout the year in Japan, I eat food boiled and seasoned of the potatoes well.

I can easily make the food boiled and seasoned of the potato when I use an anhydrous cooking pan.

Yield 2-3 servings


Three potatoes

Three onions



Tablespoon3(45cc)・・Mirin(sweet cooking rice wine みりん)

Tablespoon3(45cc)・・Cooking sake(料理酒)


Tablespoon2(30cc)・・ Soy sauce

☆How to make☆

1 I turn to the peel of a potato and cut it in 1/4

2 I pour water into the ball and expose a potato to water for around five minutes
(to take the surface starch)

3 I cut an onion

4 It is a potato, an onion, water, a margin and puts sweet sake, dish liquor, sugar in an anhydrous cooking pan.

5 I close the cap and boil it over a low heat for approximately ten minutes
(to let sweetness touch it earlier)

6 I add soy sauce and boil it over a low heat for around five minutes

7 If fire carries on a potato and an onion, it is completed.

It is said that the food boiled and seasoned of the potato is overjoyed and is very delicious


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