Komatuna no Ohitashi 小松菜のおひたし

Boiled greens with dressing of basic Japanese mustard spinach of the home-cooked meal.

I can enjoy it by various seasonings.

How to make is very simple, too.


Japanese mustard spinach(小松菜)

Salt (for water approximately 1%)
☆How to make☆

1 I wash Japanese mustard spinach neatly.

2 I put water on the root and put it for around ten minutes.
Japanese mustard spinach gets well

3 I let much hot water boil.

4 I add salt little を to hot water

5 I have one bundle of Japanese mustard spinach and put it in boiling water from the root and start it if I stand for around 20 seconds.

6 I put Japanese mustard spinach which I boiled in iced water.

7 If around ten seconds pass, I take out Japanese mustard spinach from iced water.

8 I boil remaining Japanese mustard spinach in the same way and put it in iced water.

9 I squeeze moisture of Japanese mustard spinach which cooled down

10 I cut it to length of 3-4cm with the roots of Japanese mustard spinach together.

11 I put Japanese mustard spinach which I cut in a ball.

12 Finally I season it.

We have various seasonings for the seasoning of boiled greens with dressing of Japanese mustard spinach.

☆Soy sauce + ginger

☆Soy sauce + dried bonito or sesame

☆Is soy sauce 45cc+Stock made with kombu and katsuobushi(だし) 45cc+ dried bonito or sesame

☆Noodles soup + dried bonito or sesame

☆Broth(だし汁) 100cc+ light soy sauce 15cc+ Mirin 5cc+ dried bonito or sesame

☆Toss sesame・・soy sauce 15cc+ Nirin 15cc+ sesame oil 5cc+ Parched Sesame

☆Toss mustard・・Neri mustard little + soy sauce 15cc+ broth(だし汁) 22cc

It is official boiled greens with dressing I dip it into the soup stock stew because it is the name called Ohitashi boiled greens with dressing, and to season.

How to make that what I dip + Japanese mustard spinach into the broth and cool with the refrigerator for around 30 minutes is official.

But the one which I wear soy sauce and ginger when there is not it, and eats of the time is delicious.

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