How to make strawberry jam いちごジャム

Strawberry jam is simple enough, is quite difficult.
The reason is because there is a low content of pectin in the strawberries.

Strawberry → pectin from 0.6 to 0.7%
Acidity 3.4ph
Sugar 7-8%

Can not fail very easily is how to make strawberry jam.

520g ・・Strawberry
50% of the weight of the strawberry・・Granulated sugar
1% of lemon juice weight of strawberries・・Lemon

How to make a simple strawberry jam

◇To wash the strawberries
◇Take the calyx of strawberries
◇Measure the weight of the strawberries.

◇Sugar will use 50% of the weight of the strawberries.
First, use the amount of 1/3 of the sugar.
520g is the weight of strawberries this time.

The amount of sugar will be 260g.
Prepare a one-third of the 87g of 260g.

◇Turn on the amount of strawberries and sugar 1/3 in enamel pot.
Dusting sugar to whole strawberries.

Because from the strawberries come out moisture in the osmotic pressure, and wait about as it is 8 hours.

☆After 8 hours, it has come out moisture from the strawberries.

◇To prepare the rest of the sugar 2/3.
Keep separate the sugar in half.

◇To provide 1% of the lemon juice of the weight of the strawberries.

◇Put the bottle for a jam in the pot.
It applied to the fire to put plenty of water in a pot.
After boiling, boil for about 5 minutes.
The lid is boiled for about two minutes.
Remove the bottle and the lid from the hot water, drying the bottle.

◇Multiplying the enamel pot on the fire.
Initially causes a stroke boil over high heat.
(Please note that the enamel pot is also weak to sudden temperature changes.)

◇After boiling, crush the strawberries with masher.
Strawberry is a should easily crush.

◇Add the first sugar.
Come to a boil the jam.
Skim the surface of the broth .

◇After 7 minutes, add a second sugar.

◇After 7 minutes after adding a second sugar, add the lemon juice.

◇2 minutes after the addition of lemon juice, strawberry jam of stew is completed.
Pack a strawberry jam to boil the bottle.
Let cool at room temperature in the upside down with a lid.

☆How to determine jam hardens
Put the water in a small bowl, it hardens Dropping the jam.

☆Strawberry → 520g
Granulated sugar → 260g
Of strawberry jam can be up → 428g

Sugar content of strawberry jam on the calculation is 70.74.

Conditions of the gelation of the pectin is a high sugar content (over 55%), acid (about pH3.0)

Delicious strawberry jam was completed♪

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