Simple how to make mango juice kanten マンゴージュース寒天

It is simple how to make mango juice agar using mango juice with 30% of fruit juice.

When sweetness is strong, please regulate a quantity of the sugar to add with mango juice with 30% of fruit juice.

Because the mango juice with 30% of fruit juice was very generous with me and felt it, the sugar added 20 g.

(For five cups of 6.5cm in diameter )

4g・・Powdery agar
250cc・・Mango juice with 30% of fruit juice
250cc・・Boiling water

Simple how to make mango juice kanten

◇I warm the mango juice of the 30% fruit juice by hot water roasting.
Please make mango juice temperature so as to feel whether the most moving passage is hot with a finger.
◇I add sugar and powder agar to a bowl.
◇I add boiling water 250cc to a bowl and mix it calmly more than one minute.

◇You may add the mango juice which I warmed to agar liquid and mix it.
◇I divide agar liquid into a cup equally.
◇I put agar as normal temperature so that temperature falls.
◇I cool it at the upper section of the refrigerator if I get a craze for bony parts of agar.

The mango juice agar was completed in agar of the moderate sweetness that I could feel taste of mango.

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