How to make agar of the mandarin orange みかんの寒天の作り方

It is simple how to make canned food of the mandarin orange and agar of the mandarin orange using the orange juice of the 100% fruit juice.

(For five cups of 6.5cm in diameter )

4g・・Powdery agar
Canned food of the mandarin orange
250cc・・Orange juice of the 100% fruit juice
250cc・・Boiling water

Simple how to make agar of the mandarin orange

◇I divide around five mandarin oranges into a cup
◇I warm the orange juice of the 100% fruit juice by hot water roasting
Please make orange juice temperature so as to feel whether the most moving passage is hot with a finger

◇I add sugar and powder agar to a bowl
◇I add boiling water 250cc to a bowl and mix it calmly more than one minute

◇You may add the orange juice which I warmed to agar liquid and mix it
◇I divide agar liquid into a cup equally

◇I mix agar liquid and the mandarin orange in the cup
◇I put agar as normal temperature so that temperature falls.

◇I cool it at the upper section of the refrigerator if I get a craze for bony parts of agar
◇If agar becomes cold, it is completed

It is the very delicious mandarin orange agar which can enjoy orange juice and a mandarin orange♪

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